Barry Lane continues to share revision ideas for me to try. In chapter 6 titled "Friction or Nonfriction" Lane gives the idea of graphing a main character in a piece of writing. The graph provides a way to revise my draft. A snapshot, thoughtshot or scene at the point of change could be added. Writing in third or second person would also be interesting to try in my writing.
Lane's chapter 7 is titled, "Don't Fix My Story, Just Listen to Me." My job as a teacher is to be interested in the writing of my student. I need to let the student provide the direction for the conference. The student should leave the conference encouraged to continue writing. I liked the structure and accountability that was part of the writing workshop. Creating a form for peer conferencing would be a great idea. I also like writing down the status of the class.
It sounds like you are really thinking about some ways to use Lane in your own writing and with your students. Yes, status of the class sure helps.