Saturday, July 17, 2010

Reaffirming the Writing Workshop -Sheryl Lain

Several ideas stood out to me in this article. Sheryl Lain does Writer's Workshop with just a few changes. Her writing journal for students became the place where they kept rough drafts, revisions, and practiced conventions. She had her students write a page a day and kept writing fluency scores. She felt that poetry needed to be part of the writing workshop. The conference time with students differentiated the curriculum. She used a record sheet from Nancy Atwell. The Teacher Edit Box was for the next to the last draft as the teacher helped the student correct grammatical conventions. Students wrote every day and their test scores went up. I don't know what to think about the teacher edit box. I still believe that the students should be finding the mistakes and learning from those experiences.

1 comment:

  1. I don't have my article here with me, so I will have to revisit the teacher edit box and we can discuss it also this week when we delve into editing.
