Friday, July 9, 2010

I have read Stephen King's A Memoir of the Craft On Writing. I feel that these are the three big ideas on writing from his own experience. Interestingly, he shares the feelings of other writers. I love seeing those connections.
Three big ideas:
l. "Good writing is often about letting to of fear and affectation."
2. "If you want to be a writer, you must do two things above all others: read a lot and write a lot."
3. "Reading is the creative center of a writer's life."

As I chose these three ideas, I thought of my second grade writers. The first idea encourages all writers to do their best writing. Just write and don't worry about judging it good or bad.

The second idea supports literacy in children. Reading and writing go together. How can I give more learning experiences that include reading and writing experiences?

The third idea supports the idea that great ideas can come from books. Books enlarge our world forever. Books will support the growth of my student writers.

Anne Lamott, Julie Cameron, Ralph Fletcher, and Alexandra Johnson are writers that see writing as being a necessary part of their lives. Stephen King also felt that writing makes his life a brighter and more pleasant place.

If writing enriches the lives of these writers, how could it enrich the lives of my second grade writers? I loved Alexandra Johnson's journaling ideas from her book "Leaving a Trace." She gives simple ideas for single purpose journals that I think would get my second graders writing more. These ideas included: geneology, dreams, artists sketchbook, spiritual journal, letters, joint emails, and scripts.


  1. It seems that exposure to many writers, books, thoughts, ideas only expands our horizons. As teachers, we create windows out of walls, I think :)

  2. I will also be curious to see after this institute if you can relate to his ideas also as a writer yourself.
